Vegemite Cheaper in the UK than in Australia?
Vegemite Cheaper in the UK than in Australia?
Surprise!** Vegemite, Tim Tams, and other Aussie brands are cheaper in the UK than in Australia. Here's why: #1 Competitive market in the UK #2 Different tax regimes #3 Efficient global supply chains
Vegemite costs $1.93/100g in the UK, but $2.27 at Coles and $2.21 at Woolies in Australia. Tim Tams are $2.38 or $2.36/100g in the UK, while Aussies pay $6.00 or $3.00/100g.
The Bottom Line:** Brands charge what they can get away with, and competition is fierce in the UK market. So, if you're craving Vegemite or Tim Tams, consider a trip across the pond!