How to Watch the Orionid Meteor Shower and What to Expect
How to Watch the Orionid Meteor Shower and What to Expect
Get ready for a celestial light show as the Orionid meteor shower peaks this week! Debris from Halley's Comet will streak across the night sky, offering up to 25 meteors per hour. To catch the best view, find a dark spot away from city lights after midnight, allow your eyes to adjust to the dark for 15 minutes, and look towards the constellation of Orion in the east. The radiant, or point of origin, is near the red-tinged star Betelgeuse. Unfortunately, this year's peak will coincide with a bright moon, so viewing may be best later in the week or during the Geminids in December. Despite the moon's interference, this annual shower provides a thrilling glimpse of the comet's beauty for those who miss its rare appearance every 75 to 76 years. Happy stargazing!